Wine Opener

Wine Opener that is easy to use. Why do I even need a wine opener? After all, you can buy wine in a box or bottles with screw tops, right! NO, NO, NO!!! The only wine that is worth drinking comes in the right bottle and it has a Cork! We’re talking about fine wines that are grown naturally and aged and bottled perfectly. But back to that later.

wine opener

I am a wine novice. I hate to admit it, but when I was younger and didn’t know better, I did drink those wines that came in boxes or had screw tops. Back in the day, I drank stuff that was called wine but didn’t bear any resemblance to the fine wine I drink now. Anyone remember Thunder Bird!

But after being introduced to our fine wines, I had to buy the right equipment. Obviously, number one on the list was the right Wine Opener. I actually borrowed a couple from a friend to open my first couple of bottles! I did some research online and you can see what I found here. Lots of information but I don’t know that it actually cleared up the matter for me.

I am so happy to say that I found just the right opener for me that doesn’t aggravate my carpal tunnel, doesn’t take too much counter space and looks smart and modern.

What to Consider When Purchasing a Wine Opener

Ease of Use

How easy is it to use? If it’s hard to use, it may result in cork crumbs in the wine, broken corks, or you may end up unable to remove the cork! Too hard to use, it may just lay in the drawer unused. Wasted Money!


wine opener

Generally pocket or waiter’s corkscrews are less expensive than other styles and are inexpensive to replace. One thing you might want to consider is if you have any physical limitation to using it easily. My opinion would be to buy the best you can afford.


How much room you can afford to dedicate to storing it and how often it will be used may influence the size you choose. Smaller corkscrews, such as waiter’s and pocket corkscrews fit into a kitchen or dining room drawer easily. Again, if you have strength issues, you might consider an electric opener even though they are larger and may take counter space.

Cork Type:

Synthetic or natural cork can affect your choice. Synthetic corks are denser and require more force to get the worm into the cork but they are less likely to break apart. Natural cork are more sensitive and more vulnerable to breaking apart or leaving cork crumbs. But natural is best if you intend to age your wines over time.

I found the perfect solution right here. Not only the opener, but the aerator(essential for red wines) and the stopper for those occasional times when you don’t finish the bottle!!!

Just a couple additional considerations when opening wine:

What corkscrew is best for removing synthetic corks?
A wing corkscrew is an excellent choice. They give more leverage than other types of corkscrews. This makes it easier to remove the tight synthetic corks.
What corkscrew is best for removing natural corks?
Natural corks can become sensitive or brittle with age. Therefore, if you’re opening a lot of vintage wine, an extractor or lever style corkscrew is best. These styles are less likely to break a cork. This means fewer cork crumbs in your wine.

With my wines, I don’t have to worry about the type of cork because our Fine California Wines through our Wine of the Month Club, use only fine natural cork and the wines are shipped at just the right time (no brittle cork).

Speaking of Cork Crumbs:

How can I remove broken corks that fall inside the wine bottle?

Consider a cork retriever.

No, not that kind of cork retriever!

This kind of cork retriever:

corkscrew wine openers

As you hold the prongs together, you insert the prongs into the bottle. Once you have the prongs in the bottle you push the top down to open them. Find the cork and put the prongs are around the cork. Now, pull up. The prongs close automatically around the cork. Finally pull it all to safety. Problem solved. Your wine is saved!

With the wine opener you find here, you don’t have to worry about cork in your bottle (unless you’re not drinking the right wine).

Well, I hope you enjoyed this trip through Cork Openers and learned a little something. Thank you for visiting and I hope you return soon. Since you are interested in the Wonderful World of Wine, how about taking a look here where you will be introduced to our Fine Wine of the Month Club and our Fine California Wine.

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