Beef Grass Fed

In case you didn’t know, Grass Fed Beef is healthier to eat. The reason is because it will contain more nutrients and, It Tastes Better! There’s a reason that $100 steak at a high end restaurant tastes like it does. Chances are that it is grass fed not grain fed. And your taste buds know the difference.  

beef grass fed slab with several cuts of raw beef.

Nutrient Dense is important when it comes to the food we are depending on to keep our body in tip-top condition and health. Today’s food supply, even if it is “natural”, lacks its natural nutrients. Therefore , it is not nutrient dense. Unfortunately, the ground it was grown in or the food it was fed was not nutrient dense. Too many farms have been maintained using chemical fertilizers and pesticides. In addition, the top soil is depleted of its natural nutrients. 

That’s why we’re excited to offer you this Nutrient Dense Beef. Our ranchers raise their cattle on land that is maintained to retain and increase the nutrients needed. The cattle feed on grasses best suited for their bodies. After all, we are what they eat and we want them to eat the best available so we get the best available. Nature knows best so let’s let Nature do its job, You need to order it here!

So, how do you like your steak; rare, medium or, horrors, well done? Personally, I prefer mine to be nutrient dense beef that is grass fed. You will definitely appreciate the difference in the beef you find here. 

Home on the Range

beef grass fed herd on a hill

Free-roaming cattle grazing in various areas of the range result in healthier beef for our families. By allowing natural grazing of grasses and weeds, the land, grasses and cattle form a mutually beneficial partnership. The grasses absorb the nutrients from the soil in the necessary amounts, Then the grasses pass those nutrients on to the cattle.The cattle feed the soil and grasses with their by-products (cow-patties).  Wow, isn’t nature wonderful! Why do we think we know better?

Beef That Is Grass Fed

To many people, grass-fed equals healthy. Unfortunately, this is not necessarily true. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), does not require prior approval or verification of a “grass fed” labeling claim. But, even though the FDA  requires that labels on dairy products are truthful and not misleading, the agency does not have a regulatory definition for the “grass fed” labeling claim. Therefore, most meat is grass-fed only for a short time but is grain-fed for most of the animal’s life.

All of this means that the buyer should beware of the claims made. Unfortunately, in most cases, you’ll never know where your beef came from or how it was raised. Our beef grass fed is different because the meat comes to you straight from the ranch. 

Grain Fed Beef

beef grass fed picture of cattle at grain trough

Beef that is Grain fed comes with many issues that most of us never consider when buying meat for our family. Grain feeding is not natural for cattle, Their stomach is not designed to digest the carbohydrates in the grain properly. This causes digestive issues. It also throws off the Omega-3 and Omega-6 ratios. Grains are used to fatten them faster and antibiotics are used to keep them “healthy”. Does the food industry care that they’re destroying your health? No way! Their stockholders care only about the bottom line.

The Labels We Love Hide the Truth.

The food industry does it everywhere and with every product. They have departments dedicated to finding out what words sell, what colors draw more attention, what graphic grabs your attention. Let’s be honest here; the label draws our attention, right? 

You’ll find meat labeled with many different labels over and above the necessary labeling. Kobe Beef, Wagyu and Angus are examples. Others will label with the ranch name. Kobe beef comes from Kobe, Japan. Like Champagne can only come from Champagne region of France. it cannot legally be called Kobe if it comes from anywhere else. Wagyu beef is meat from the Wagyu breed and Angus beef comes from the breed Angus.  These are wonderful meats and well worth the enjoying. But remember, you can only be sure it’s true 100% grass-fed beef if you know how it was really raised.  

How Beef Should Taste 

My extended family were farmers and my dad loved to garden. The fruits and vegetables out of our garden were wonderful on the taste buds and, oh, how I miss that. Not even chicken tastes like chicken anymore if you buy it from the market. Our beef comes from ranchland in Wyoming straight to you and you’ll finally find out how true fine beef should taste. 

These ranchers are bringing their land back to the days of the buffalo using Regenerative, Restorative practices. And it’s paying off because their beef has been verified as some of the most nutrient-dense beef in the nation and it is certainly some of the tastiest

To wrap it up, (pun intended);

Health and nutrition are all the rage right now and for good reason. Our nation is among some of the sickest in the world with the most costly health care (?). A big reason for this is our over-processed food supply. In addition, we know the closer we can get to our food source, the better. But that’s not easy for most people, especially those in our big cities. Direct to your door may sound expensive, but if you take all costs involved in getting your food to your table, it really is a bargain. Why not give it a taste and discover what you’ve been missing all these years. Order yours now!

Fine Products Direct to You is our Mission:

beef grass fed

Fine Beef is not all that you’ll find here. How about Fine Wine to serve alongside that perfectly grown, perfectly cooked steak. We have a wide selection of Fine Wines and are ready and eager to introduce you to them. And you never know what new vintage might show up at your doorstep this month. Find out all you need to know right here.

Once it hits your lips, there’s no stopping the pleasure!