Skin Repair Balm

We all need to have a Skin Repair Balm on hand for emergencies and everyday use.  Because, living in the world takes its toll on all of us. Age, environment, occupation, health all conspire to take those cute, cuddly bodies we were born with and turn them into something less than inspiring. I’m sorry, even the most beautiful woman or virile man turns into a shadow of their former self with enough time and abuse.

skin repiar balm woman with butterfly tattoo

I hate to admit this, but my days of baby smooth skin are long past. Years of taking it for granted plus all the toxins and challenges to everyone’s skin have taken a heavy toll. But how do you know which of the hundreds of skin care products to use? Admit it, we’ve all tried that fancy jar of exotic, rare, expensive ingredients guaranteed to take 20 years off in 10 minutes, right? Research from dozens of studies done by self-proclaimed experts leave us with a major headache from all those words no one can pronounce. In addition, as a natural blonde with fair skin, so many products cause more issues than not with my skin. I’ve found my Go-To.

Skin Repair Balm from Professionals to Professionals

You may not have heard of this skin healing balm before. Skin Care Professionals have been using it for over 4 years.  Therefore, we are thrilled we were chosen to bring it to the public and we want to spread the word. All natural ingredients (see the lists of ingredients on their site.) make up the formulation for their healing and restoring properties. I am using it on areas of my face that I have seen a dermatologist for treatments for years. Surprisingly, I have seen it recover in just a few weeks. My skin is so much smoother with less noticeable problem areas than it ever was after a dermatologist treatment. If you want to read more about the balm itself, you can go here:

Moms, this works for anyone’s skin. You and your little ones will love how it heals and soothes rashes and all those boo-boos that they encounter. Your significant other will love how it helps with razor burn and ingrown hairs.

“Tattoo” Balm to keep your artwork fresh and bright

skin repair balm tattoo

If you’re a fan of tattoos and have one or hundreds, you know what a challenge it can be to keep it looking as fresh and bright as it was the day you came home with it. One lady I know had Psoriasis that covered her tattoo. She went on a 12 day challenge to help control  her Psoriasis but in the process realized it was starting to restore her tattoo. There is little information available on how to take care of your tattoos long term so this is a big step forward in keeping it looking like new. 

There is more information and uses explained about this amazing balm in my article here. Even better, go directly to their site to order or get more information and get their story directly. 

We can’t thank you enough for visiting us today and if you want more information about anything you see here, be sure to Contact us .