Is College Worth It

Is College Worth It? Worth it in time and money? Worth it in expectations and possibly lost dreams? Of course, only you or your loved one can make that decision. But I would like to add my 2 cents to the discussion, if you’ll allow me the time. And maybe present some alternatives to higher education.

College cost is a big discussion point when making plans for the future for yourself or your children. College tuition is increasing at a pace that is higher than the overall cost of living. And it’s creating a crushing debt for the next generation. Add to that the sometimes exasperating process of attempting to gain scholarships and financial assistance. 

Is College Worth It?

Opinions Differ about the Value of a College Education

Is College Worth It puzzled woman with finger to forehead

Overall, the feeling among Americans is decreasing that College is worth the cost and effort. What’s surprising is that the younger generation is more critical about the value than the older generations. Of course, we were all told over and over that it was critical to our success. But times change, don’t they?

The other issue is what learning is actually gained for that money and time. If you look at college catalogs today you’ll see pages of courses but how many of them are really practical. We’ve all heard about the “basket making” classes being offered (and have been for years). I know when my son was in community college, he spent a lot of time in pottery class. I had lots of vases around the house collecting dust, but never saw any practical benefits from all his efforts. Face it, the passions of an 18year old are vastly different from those of a 45 year old father trying to provide for his growing family. 

Drop out rates for higher education are another concern.  Sorry folks, that loan you took out for your education doesn’t go away just because you dropped out of school. Way too many people are looking at paying for years for an education they didn’t complete. 

CLEARLY American Education is not making People Smarter.

That same son is now a high school science teacher. He deals daily with today’s high school student and sees first hand what their education has provided them with for going on into college and university. Many of them, if they go to college at all, spend their first few years in college in remedial classes, learning what they should have learned in grammar and high school. There is definitely a major problem going on here and it starts early. (We’ve got a solution for this, too, here.)

And with $Billions in Taxpayer dollars being sent to these Institutions??? WHAT!!!

“Colleges barely teach, yet every year they increase their fees. Try that in a private business, you might get indicted for fraud. Do it at an American university and you get billions in taxpayer subsidies.”

Tucker Carlson Tonight

Welcome to the world of the entrepreneur. The computer and the internet entered the picture about the end of the last century and the beginning of this century. And the growth of independent business owners has exploded. And many of them have learned the skills that took them to the top right here; learning from those that took the same path they’re now teaching to others.

is college worth it cap and diploma

In addition, it’s not going to take you 6-8 years or more to gain the equivalent of a Phd in Marketing. Working the system, paying heed to what your instructors and mentors tell you and doing the hard work will take you there in months. 

Costs? Well you can get going for as little as $97.

Whoa! Compare that to the tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars that fancy degree will cost you. All for a piece of paper hanging on your office wall or may be tucked away in a drawer somewhere. Wait, what about all those stories we hear about how having the degree earns your way more money in the future. Sorry, but a lot of that value comes from experience and skills gained after school. You get that same experience and skills working the system you learn here. 

It gets better… you’ll get a full 60 DAYS or your $97 back!

Ready to start your Graduate Degree in Marketing. What have you got to lose. Even if you decide it’s not working for you as you planned, you have time to try it and know you can get your money back if you want. But, I’m willing to bet that doesn’t even enter your mind once you see what is offered  here.


See more by going here: And see what is available in todays marketplace. Also you will be happy to know it is all created for today, tomorrow and the future. This is incredible. And a great thing to at least look into.

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