COFFEE to help you lose weight

Ah, that first cup of coffee in the morning! Nothing smells as good, does it. Holding that warm cup in your hand, especially on those cold mornings is so soothing. I love to take the cup and hold it on my chest under my chin and it is magic how it calms me down. It may have a different reaction for you, but there is something special about a good hot cup of coffee.

coffee to help you lose weight meme hand holding a cup of coffee

A morning cup of coffee, (don’t you love that aroma?) is the perfect start to the day, but how can you make it better?

Well, if I knew drinking coffee would help me lose 10-20 pounds this month and every following month, that would be incredible.

So,, imagine enjoying your favorite cup of coffee and with a simple “Snap” of a creamer you will be enjoying the added benefit of losing weight. We’ve all seen those commercials touting a coffee to help you lose weight. But, and this is a big but, you have to give up drinking your favorite coffee and drink the substitute instead. We don’t make you do that. You don’t have to give up your own coffee. You simply add plôs therm as a creamer and you’re on your way. Don’t drink coffee? Not a problem. Simple add a ‘Snap” to your hot tea, cocoa or, in my case, my morning hot lemonade. Hey, you can even take it “straight”.

There it is. Nothing to give up. Simply add this bio-hacking non-dairy creamer to your favorite hot drink and lose weight. Side benefits are an enhanced mood, uplifted spririts and thermogenic properties that burn away all that unwanted stored fat.

coffee pack of plos

We’re a nation of “foodies”! Don’t believe me; just check out Facebook. See what everyone’s eating today. That big plate of French fries with a double decker hamburger on the side; need I say more! Maybe burger and fries isn’t your thing How about a big steak with baked potato, butter and sour cream. And that crispy, warm Italian bread dipped in olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Go ahead and enjoy. Let plôs therm worry about the calories. A side benefit; you’ll find is that your food will taste better. You find that your appetite decreases over time and that you’re taking more home in your “doggie” bag.

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What I Want Out of My Life.

I want to start each day with excitement. A new day dawns with all the opportunities for me to make a difference. My goals are there waiting for me: Financial, Spiritual, Mental and Physical goals where I want to make progress. Personal goals are not enough. I want to impact the lives of others and give them the opportunity to create time, financial and overall freedom.

It’s tough getting up in the morning and facing the day with the idea that you will have to do with less than what you consider the “good life”. We all deserve to live the life that we dreamed of and planned for when we were younger. Those extra pounds that we have tried to deny, they seem to appear faster and more stubborn as each year passes. We spend the day trying to figure out how we can get a little enjoyment but food has become our enemy.

Let’s put the fun and joy back in our lives. Re-ignite those dreams.

My Before

We’ve heard the term “YoYo Dieting” I’ve spent my entire life on that roller-coaster. I would lose 5 pounds only to gain 10 back. Not only does this not work, it also causes havoc with your health. As I said, food became my enemy. Then I would surrender and just eat whatever it was that I craved. It is almost impossible to enjoy those special moments. Birthdays, anniversaries and holidays become a nightmare because of the guilt.

I know I’m not alone in this struggle. Most Americans have to deal with weight issues and the rest of the world is catching up with us. Heart disease, obesity, diabetes and other health problems are growing by leaps and bounds all over the Globe.

Then, I found the solution and it was so simple and easy. An addition to my Morning Coffee was all it took. Nothing else had to change.

My After

split screen woman measuring waist and hot cup of coffee

Food doesn’t have to be an enemy anymore. I can enjoy my favorite foods and even enjoy my Fine Wine once again. And it is something I can share with many other people in my life. It is not a good thing to keep good news to yourself. You’re obligated to share it with those around you. Especially those you love.

A simple cup of coffee each morning

This amazing coffee creamer will help you feel great while you lose weight. The inches will disappear and your clothes will fit you so much better (you’ll probably even have to buy a new wardrobe. Another Benefit!!! ) A cup or 2 of great tasting coffee in the morning will give you energy to face the day. It has been proven to help you lose weight. Obviously for your health you need to use common sense. Eat sensible meals but enjoy your dinner and wine during the week. Don’t worry about those occasional “splurges” of a extra special meal out. Your coffee will help you balance it out.

Life is stressful enough.

We all deserve to live the life we want to live. Don’t let extra weight and fat get in the way (no pun intended). When we need help to keep that in balance, our coffee creamer gives us the tool we need to lose that extra weight and keep it off. Watch it melt away.

While losing weight is the goal here, there is also a business opportunity. We are part of a marketing team with global reach. We provide all the support and training to make your business as successful as you want it to be.

Work at Home and have a Global Impact!

We are here to make the World a Better Place for everyone. CONTACT US for more details and to become a larger part of the “Pay It Forward” Online Community that we are all about.