BioHacking a better you

What is Biohacking, you wonder. You have heard the word and seen the ads but what is it really? As one author put it “Biohacking is a term used to describe do-it-yourself biology. It involves people making incremental changes to their bodies, diet, and lifestyle to improve their health and well-being.” That seems to be like a good thing, then. 

They continue. “Also known as human enhancement, biohacking ranges from efforts to improve brain function to faster weight loss. Some types of biohacks are relatively safe to try at home, while others may pose health risks and produce varying results.” Ok, maybe we need to think about this a little more!

Then, as one dictionary entry put it: “the activity of exploiting genetic material experimentally without regard to accepted ethical standards, or for criminal purposes.” Now, that’s getting scary!!!

biohacking man hollding clear flask

Science has exploded around us. And one of the most explosive areas of Science is genetic engineering. With the continuing research into human DNA, more promising treatments and cures are being touted. AI (Artificial Intelligence) has added to the momentum. 

And the need is there. No need to look very hard to see why. Obesity rates are climbing and affecting younger and younger children. This in turn, increases diabetes rates, heart problems and the list goes on. Mental stress and depression are increasing. Digestive issues affecting more and more of the world. All of this contributes negatively to happiness. 

What’s the Answer? Good Biohacking!

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What to do? Well, I think I’ve found my answer to all of this doom and gloom. And it is “GOOD” bio-hacking. Let me tell you all about it. And what science can do for you when it is used for good, not for bad.

Several years ago I found a company who pioneered a new approach to health and biohacking. They have been gradually adding to their product line but with an eye to “stacking” their products so that they work separately for a particular area of health, but also work with other products in a synergistic way to aid in improving your health overall. 

I call them my daily “Snaps” because of the unique packaging. As I said, each one works amazingly on its own. But, start adding or stacking them together, and watch the changes happen in and on your body. Watch the effects of aging lessen and feel the years drop off.

I can tell you that everyone that tries these magnificent snaps falls in love with them. The longer you are on them, the better you feel, the better the results.

I have especially seen a difference in the growth and strength of my nails. I now have to cut them because they get too long. Instead of them breaking and peeling and splitting, I know it’s time to cut them because they interfere with my typing. I had experimented and let my hair grow to my waist and just recently had it cut. I had never had any success in growing my hair past my shoulders in all my long life (and I do mean long life).

Let me Introduce you to your New Best Biohacking Friends

biohacking bran package

brān®, pronounced [breyn], is for anyone with a Brain. Whoa, brain fog. I bet you know what that means, don’t you? I have a lot of Really Mature Adults friends and we all complain about brain fog and brain “farts”  Guess what! We have a Snap for that! Forget energy drinks. They give you a quick jolt and just as quickly let you down again. Our Snap gives you energy and alertness that will last much longer and if you feel you need another uplift later, you can take another one knowing you’re not going to be harming yourself. 

biohacking uuth package

uüth™ [pronounced yüth] is an incredible Bio-Hacking Product. This is my go-to for my Hair, Nails, Skin and, (let’s get personal here), Libido. Besides the obvious, it also contains antioxidants, enhances your immune system and gives a general overall feeling of wellness. It also Improves Muscle Tone, Strength and Endurance.  Needless to say, I love it.

zlēm™, pronounced [zleem] is another Bio-Hacking friend. Are you a terrible sleeper? I have really bad sleep habits. Too much time in front of computers and TV before bed. Because I know that blue light they emit is really bad for sleep preparation. That’s where the SNAP at night comes in. It is designed to enhance our sleep quality. It’s a 2 step product. You first detox your body and get rid of bloating: Stage 1. Then you move to Stage 2 and complete the full process. Not only will you sleep deeper and go to sleep easier but additional ingredients help your body turn white fat into brown fat, the good kind that helps you burn calories. You truly can sleep away your fat!

While these first Three Represents our original Trifecta, we have added our “+” with more incredible products. And it is the “+” in biohacking to an overall health enhancement.

Meet my new Bestest Friend. Gut Health with byōm™️. Here, we have the Only Liquid Bio-Hacking Gut Health Product for today’s Needs. 

It’s my bestest friend because I suffer from serious digestive issues. I have struggled with IBS symptoms for quite some time. I even got to the point I hated to eat anything because I knew what would follow. I’m seeing serious improvements with this Snap. 

biohacking byom package

This is an incredible Addition. A Healthy Gut is key to our Optimal Health. In fact when our Gut is not in good health other areas of our Health suffer. Nor will they improve. It is all going to start with Gut Health. All good things can follow when we fix the Gut first. Gut Health with byom is going to do something Magical for the healthy guts of us all. This is the latest gift of Science and Bio-Hacking.

biohacking plos package

Meet our Energy and Weight Loss super-hero. Welcome plôs thermo. It has incredible “magic” created through biohacking that allows this product to do its magic. This is what you add to your coffee or whatever is your beverage of choice if you want to take off those extra pounds. And, guess what! It does not come with added caffeine. Increase your mood, your energy, and assist in burning that unwanted fat. Reduce your unwanted inches, Help you become the better version of you.

Leaving the Supplement Area

The product line doesn’t stop here. One of the biggies in health right now is the effect of EMFs on our health. Although controversial, for myself, I don’t take the chance it is safe. I have been wearing my EMF Protection device since it was first introduced. It replaces my grounding routine when time or the weather don’t allow me to walk barefoot on the earth. Forget EMFs! You’re wearing your shield!

Want to know where to Start with Biohacking? Learn more below.

Do you want to look and feel younger and face the day in a happy mood?

Start with uüth™. After you find that it works “THIS GOOD”, you’ll realize the other products must be amazing too. And you are 1000% correct in that realization. Let me direct you to the Fountain of Youth. 

Want to Lose Weight?

Start with zlēm™ and plôs thermo. Take zlēm™ 30 minutes before bed. Sleep like a baby. Wake up to a new exciting day.  Enjoy plôs thermo with your coffee, tea or caffeinated beverage (Dr. Pepper for example). Watch the weight disappear safely and easily. 

Want to add Mental Clarity and Acuteness, Energy and a feeling of happiness?

Add brān® to your everyday routine. Personally I often enjoy more than 1 a day depending on what I am doing. And especially when it’s a stressful day. Snap them anytime from the morning through early afternoon. (Not to late in the afternoon or you might find yourself needing more zlēm™ to get to sleep.) Gets you through that afternoon slump after lunch. Productivity is incredible when you add this to your life and daily routine.

 “The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.

– Tony Robbins

So What’s Next?

Because, we have a program where you join as a customer or as a marketing partner, you decide. If you prefer to prove the value of the products before you jump in completely, please join us as a customer. We promise to love on you regardless if you decide to stay here in that role. If you become a partner with us either now or later, we promise to offer you support all along the way. In addition to our support, you also have the full support of Velovita.

We are worldwide and continually growing. Our EMF device is available in over 70 countries and the supplement line in over 30 countries. Vibrant and Growing and where you should be right now!!!

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We are here to make the World a Better Place for everyone. CONTACT US for more details and to become a larger part of the “Pay It Forward” Online Community that we are all about.

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