Cosmetics – Make Them Fun

Cosmetics are universal. Women have used cosmetics since the first woman discovered that a ripe berry could be used to color her lips. Looking into that ancient pool of water, she discovered she was more beautiful with it than without. Styles have changed but the purpose is the same. Make me beautiful!!!

Our love of cosmetics starts early. What little girl hasn’t gotten into mommy’s lipstick and rouge and made herself a princess. Battles with mom and dad begin with “All my friends wear lipstick, why can’t I” And it doesn’t end. You might be 90 years old, but you still want to look your best and that includes wearing your lipstick and powder.

Lip Candy – #1 Cosmetic Need

4 lipstiick shades

No woman wants to be caught with her lips naked. Even the “bare miniumums” type won’t go out without her “Lip Candy”. Matte or Gloss, Bright or Sundued. It doesn’t matter, as long as it is just the right shade for the event. You’ll definitely make a statement regardless of which shade you’re sporting today.

Enchanting Eyes – #2 Cosmetic Necessity

cosmetics woman's eyes

They say that your eyes are the window to your soul. You make sure your windows in your home at beautifully designed and decorated. Your eyes deserve the same care and attention. Amazing array of shades for your “windows” in mattes, shimmers and glitters. Top it off with some loose glitter to complete the picture. Of course, you can go as bold or as subtle as you want to make your statement.

Exciting Eyelashes

cosmetics eye and eyelashes

Why is it that guys are the ones blest with those long, gorgeous lashes? I could probably count how many I have and they barely pop out of my eyelid. Fortunately, there’s an answer for you and me. Man has jumped in to give us cosmetics to make up for what we’re short of. Let’s us make up for what nature forgot. Mascara, if you need just a little help or gorgeous lashes you can add to really make a splash.

Of course, we’ve just touched the tip of the iceberg here when it comes to cosmetics. But I’m sure that if you go here and search, you’ll find just about anything you need. And you’ll be surprised just how much more you’ll discover.

You need a Good Foundation!

You get the idea. Cosmetics are here to stay and they are fun to play with whether you’re 10 or 100. Being of a “certain age” myself, I find myself admiring the spunk and courage of ladies even older than me showing up with their pink and green hair.

That being said, I don’t quite see myself going there any time soon. But that doesn’t mean I don’t care about my appearance. I just tend to do it a little more naturally. Like taking care of my body and doing what I can to keep my skin and hair healthy.

How do I do that? I try to eat healthy. In addition, I get anough sun and fresh air to keep me healthy and glowing but not so much that I’m turning into leather. Who needs those extra wrinkles?

And a biggie for me is the supplementation that is designed to work from the inside out. It does this with natural ingredients working together through the family of products. I have my morning elixar that replinishes the collagen that I’ve lost through the years. My hair and nails love it. I have my brain booster that gives me all the energy I need to get through the work day. Then there are my coffer creamer and my nighttime sleep buddy that help me keep a healthy weight.

This builds my Firm Foundation and it can do the same for you. Just visit here and get more information on these supplements.

We can’t thank you enough for visiting us today and if you want more information about anything you see here, be sure to Contact us.