Holiday Shopping – It’s that time again!

Chrstmas candles

Holiday shopping is not everyone’s favorite past-time although I know there are those folks who love it, but it’s definitely not my favorite. In fact, at my age, any kind of shopping is nothing but an unpleasant chore. But enough about me!

Those concerns we’ve had in the last couple years have not gone away and in fact, new ones have reared their ugly heads. Covid is still with us in a new disguise, supply chain issues haven’t gone away and mass shootings, terrorist scares, etc. are all in the news daily. So, how do we get our holiday shopping done? ONLINE, right? That gives us a new headache; where do we start? How about here? We have stocking stuffers up to that very special gift for that very special someone.

For Our Holiday Shopping Adventure, let’s start at The Top!

Because entertaining is such a big part of the Holidays and that starts before the day itself, Wine always makes the perfect gift. What could be better than having it delivered straignt to your door every month. Make this a gift for yourself. Give it as a perfect gift for that someone who deserves the very best. Fine Wines from California’s Napa and Sonoma Valleys, curated and selected by some of the best winemakers in the world.

Holiday shopping table with wine and food

Our wine is blended and aged to perfection. We bottle no wine before its time. Besides, it is shipped directly from us to you with no middleman. You decide if you want red or white or a selection of both. Need all white this month? No problem; it’s easy to change. See why our Wine Club is the perfect way to learn all about fine wines.

And it doesn’t stop there. Once a month, members get together to Wine and Dine. Find out how to prepare good food and pair it with the perfect wine. It may not be gourmet every time, but it’s definitely great fun. Our wine experts occasionally join in with comments and additional insight (and maybe do their own cooking). See a dish that sounds extra special? Recipes are posted and always available.

Don’t leave without checking it out here!

Have someone on your holiday shopping list who wants to Improve their Health? Give the gift of “SNAP”

Okay, that doesn’t make much sense, yet. But, let me explain. Whatever the area of health that needs to improve, we can help.

Most people feel the stress of the times. It may be apparent in several different ways. How many people do you know that complain of “brain fog” and worry about their mental health. Our solution: Brān, pronounced [ breyn ]. This nootropic scientifically developed serum comes in a “snap” package which makes getting the correct dose oh so easy.

Another way we suffer from stress is less than optimal sleep. And the resulting weight gain. Our answer is Zlēm, pronounced [ zleem ]. It comes in two stages. This allows your body to detox (Step 1) and renew (Step 2). So a “snap” at night is all it takes to attack the two problems; sleep and weight.

How about an overall health gelée that makes you look and feel younger. Our answer is uüth™ [pronounced yüth]. Starting with its great taste, help for skin and hair and energy booster, this “snap” is a real winner.

All that holiday entertainment is sure to make its mark on your gut and just generally make you feel less than perfect. A blend that will make your tummy happy again is our byōm®, pronounced [ biome ] snap. As with all our family of snaps, it is designed to work with all the other snaps to bring your gut and digestive system  into the best shape for the holidays and the days after. 

Check out all these great products here: your body will definitely Thank You!

Stocking Stuffers for your Holiday Shopping.

holiday shopping plates of popcorn

Something special for the whole family that they can enjoy not just for the holidays but for the whole year (and it’s fun)! What family doesn’t love sitting together watching a movie with a big bowl of popcorn. Why not make that popcorn a healthy snack while you’re enjoying everyone’s favorite bowl full of crunchy popcorn. 

I’m talking about a popcorn that has added protein to up the nutritional value and the kids won’t even know what’s happening. In addition, it’s everyone’s favorite finger food. It’s gonna go fast so make sure you put a bag in everyone’s Christmas stocking. You’ll find all the information on how to get it in time for the holidays right here.  

Another gift for everyone from tot to great grandmother.

This is another great stocking stuffer that the whole family can use and benefit from. Everyone suffers from skin injury or irritation from time to time. Baby has diaper rash, your tot that is still learning how to manage his new walking skill has booboos on his knees, mom splattered grease on her arm cooking dinner last night. Maybe great grandmother is bed bound and has to be concerned about bed sores. We have an awesome healing balm for all of this and so much more. It has been formulated with pure natural products, no artificial scents and is safe for all ages. Two sizes, family size and personal size. Read all about it here: 

I saved the BIGGIE for last!

In fact, this is one I’d love to take advantage of so I need to start dropping hints. I’m sure by now, unless you’ve been out of touch or living under a rock that you’ve heard about some of the dangers of all those electronic and digital devices we have on our body and in our house. EMFs are the buzzwords and for good reason, IMHO. Well, we have the answer for personal protection that anyone can use. And it comes in a couple of versions, going from practical to spectacular. It is our tuün® Resonate, a wearable biohack designed to help protect your body from rogue EMFs. It comes from basic metal on metal to Diamond Premium White or Black. Talk about BLING!!! 

We can’t thank you enough for visiting us today and if you want more information about anything you see here, be sure to Contact us.